Tuesday 23 June 2015

Spirituality means to find the way of Mysticism not “Mysteriousness”

Reaching God through meditation or Yog sadhna by breaking all the shackles and barriers of fascination and illusions of the outer world or i would say “outrageaous” world is what the real meaning of Science of Spirituality for me. Someone has very rightly said that “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience… We are spiritual beings having a human experience”.

In Today’s world of so-called “rat race”, we hardly get time to dig into our inner self and reach out to the roots of our very existence. In fact, we are so busy in figuring out the ways to survive and thrive to achieve what we have desired that it would be no wrong if I say, ‘We are Lost’….Lost in the crowd of this mute yet yelling mysterious outer world of fake smiles and psuedo fascinations.

But then the question arises, ‘Do we have the courage to give ourselves at least 30 minutes of a day to think about that Almighty??

The answers which I commonly face are.. “May be”… ”Not really, we have other chores and responsibilities to look after..we don’t get time actually, you know”… ”It’s not our age to sit and meditate”… “It’s meant for those who are old and lived their lives to the fullest”… “Do you believe in this? really?? so old fashioned…” and then, there are atheists who say, “We don’t believe in him”…

Not to offend anybody’s views here but such outlook often makes me wonder, “Why is it so hard for us to remember his name?? Why??”.. He is our creator who has been and would always stay with us. To put it simple here, he is just like our ‘best friend’ or our ultimate ‘soul mate’, who shares our every thicks and thins of life. Its always easy to find time for our best friends and spouses then why not for ‘him’..??? We have distanced ourselves so much from him that even his ‘omnipotent existence’ has become a question for us..

Even when we try to escape ourselves and endeavour to understand about our inner world and our very own soul, the another fundamental question arises here, “Who would actually show us the path to reach him??”

Honestly, we all have been gifted enough to reach our roots of existence ourselves only. However, in today’s era, wherein, we are so caught up to reach our ‘winning posts’ first, we need somebody who can teach us to “slow down” and “snooze” to actually walk on the ways to be atleast “Human beings”, if not “Better human beings”. The essence of ‘being human’ still remains to have the kind and loving outlook towards the other creations of God but, with the helping hand of any peace leader or spiritual preacher, we usually end up finding more better ways to nurture our inner souls.

Though, it is very hard to determine which person to follow for such ways and we are often plagued by the fear of being misled by such people, I would say, whatever religion or preacher we follow, it really does not matter if we find the true path to reach Almighty. The basic thing is to understand ‘who we are and why we are here in this world’. Follow the path which gives tranquillity to your soul and not to your body. Follow only those footsteps, who actually take you to the other world.. world which is resting inside you only and where you meet the real reason of your existence.

You should know the true meaning of mysticism, which is indeed to find yourself and travel through the “Shiva netra” or “Third eye” or “Deep tunnel” and reach the place where our consciousness meets reality and where we can understand that we are here to help others, spread love around and find our inner serenity through meditation and devoting a few minutes of the day reaching the state to be a soul first. After all, as soon as you die, your entity becomes a “mere” body. We should live life to impress the “creator” and not it’s creations. Because at the end “he” is the truth of life and it’s us living the journey of human experience.

PS: This is not to offend any religious methodology or religion followers. These are my views which can make a difference in the society.

Stay blessed...Stay in Love...


Wednesday 10 June 2015

I am happy but not a "GAY"

How absurd it seems after hearing the supreme court's verdict on homosexuality. It's not about hurting sentiments of people, who have such preferences, but its about a law which says their preference for a relationship and love determines its legality in the society.

All the news channels have been discussing this with various panels showering their respective views on the same. I am not favoring any homosexual group or such kinds here, but after this verdict I have been wondering why are we even putting restrictions on love of two people, that too by assessing it on their preference and gender scale? Isn't this is an era of democracy, where every country is endorsing rights of people and the need of a strong judiciary to safeguard them? How could Indian Judicial System, despite being fabricated in a more than six decades old democratic setup, pass out such a discriminatory verdict? Is the law in the country trying to act like "God" , whom we have to listen to always by accepting its every rational or irrational orders?

Everyone has their specific opinions and so do I. After reading various articles and discussions, I would like to question our respective judges that instead of targeting the sexual preference of the Indian Populace, why cant they simply focus on more serious issues like escalating cases of rapes in the country? Isn't that more important for them?

And by the way how many of us have gone through the imperfect choices, in terms of choosing the best partner for our lives? Would their stringent measures be able to "Stop" or at least "Reduce" the growing cases of divorces in Indian Society?

I mean, what difference does it make, if a girl roams around with a girl saying we are a "Couple"? It's not harmful for the society in any case. Moreover, if these respected judges would analyze the outlook of modern Indian society, they would surely be stunned to realize that we don't even care about who is keeping an eye on our relationships and who is saying what. Relationships are meant to give you happiness and contentment, after all.

If the SC had to come up with a decision of restricting the people, who prefer same gender for their lovers or future partners then it should have taken steps on the killing of female child also, which is almost as critical and important issue as rapes or murders.

Our modern society is about those, whose feelings and sentiments prefer humanity over any "Pro-Gender or Pro-Preference Rationality".

So, on a lighter note to end this thought, I would say give a stop to female foeticide across the country first so that we guys get to marry a girl in coming years to at least adhere to your verdict SC and not get forced to adhere with a guy and being called "Gay".

PS: This blog is not written to hurt anyone's emotions or sentiments or to create any controversy. This should be taken as purely my views over current scenarios.

Stay blessed,